
The Impact of Customer Relationship Management on the Performance of Cameroonian Banks


Donabine Forchi, Joshua Sopuruu


" The Banking sector is one of the backbones of major nations' economies; it influences economic and export growth. Banks' Performance highly rests on formidable and realistic customer relationship management (CRM) through corporate image building. This present study aims to investigate the effect of customer relationship management on a Bank's Performance, as well as the mediating role of corporate reputation on the relationship. Data were sourced from 243 bank employees and analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings revealed a positive and significant relationship between CRM and financial Performance, while operational Performance was deemed insignificant. CRM positively relates to corporate reputation, while CR significantly relates to both financial and operational Performance. Corporate reputation significantly mediates the relationship between CRM and bank performance. Based on the study's findings, relationship management is key in bank operations since the presence of a good corporate reputation dwells largely on relationship building with bank customers."


Customer Relationship; Bank Performance; Corporate Reputation.



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