The Role of Humor in Advertisements
Vincent Ibe Nkanu
This research examines the general purpose of an
advertisement and its process specifically focusing on one element
of advertisement that makes it more memorable and unique and
creates a positive feeling towards the audience - Humor. Our
intention is to examine the impact of Humor on consumer
intentions to purchase and also relate its perceived impulse to
gender and age group. We deploy a literature review methodology
to determine the position of extant body of research as well as
those of researchers on the phenomenon.The study also
administered a survey to quantitatively prove if the positions
gleaned from practice are different and/or the same as observed
within the body of literature.
Humor; Advertising; New Media.
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Batra, R., & Stayman, D. M. (1990). The role of mood in advertising effectiveness. Journal of Consumer Research, pp. 17, 203–214.
Batra, R., & Keller, K. L. (2016). Integrating Marketing Communications: New Findings, New Lessons, and New Ideas. Journal of Marketing, 80(6), 122–145. doi:10.1509/jm.15.0419
Bressler, E. R., Rod A. Martin, & Sigal Balshine (2006). ""Production and Appreciation of Humor as Sexually Selected Traits,"" Evolution and Human Behavior, 27 (2), 121–30.
Brown (2015). Brown, S. (2015). Using focus groups in naturally occurring settings. Qualitative Research Journal, 15(1), 86-97.
Cantor, R. B. & D. Zillman (1973). ""Resentment Toward Victimized Protagonists and Severity of Misfortunes They Suffer as Factors in Humor Appreciation,"" Journal of Experimental Research, 6, 321–329.
Crawford, H. J., & Gregory, G. D. (2015). Humorous advertising that travels: A review and call for research. Journal of Business Research, 68(3), 569-577
Crawford, H. J., & Gregory, G. D. (2015). Humorous advertising that travels: A review and call for research. Journal of Business Research, 68(3), 569-577
De Houwer, J., Thomas, S., & Bayens, F. (2001). Association learning of likes and dislikes: a review of 25 years of research on human affective conditioning. Psychological Bulletin, 127, 853–869.
Diener, E., Smith, H., & Fujita, F. (1995). The personality structure of affect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69, 130–141.
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Gulas, C. S., & Weinberger, M. G. (2006). Humor in advertising. A comprehensive analysis. Armonk: Sharpe.
Hampes, W. P. (2005). Correlations between humor styles and loneliness. Psychological Reports, 96, 747– 750.
Homer, P. M. (1990). The mediating role of attitude toward the ad: some additional evidence. Journal of Marketing Research, 27, 78–86.
Krishnan, H. S., & Chakravarti, D. (2003). A process analysis of the effects of humorous advertising executions on brand claims memory. Journal of Consumer Psychology, pp. 13, 230–245
Lee, Y. H., & Lim, E. A. C. (2008). What's funny and what's not: The moderating role of cultural orientation in ad humor. Journal of Advertising, 37(2), 71–84.
Mackenzie, S. B., Lutz, R. J., & Belch, G. E. (1986). The role of attitude toward the ad as a mediator of advertising effectiveness: a test of competing explanations. Journal of Marketing Research, 23, 130–143.
Madden, Thomas and Marc G, Weinberger (1982). ""The Effects of Humor on Attention in Magazine Advertising,"" Journal of Advertising, 11 (3), 8–14. ' and (1984), ""Humor in Advertising: A Practitioner View,"" Journal of Advertising Rascarcli, 24 (4), 23-29
Madden, Thomas J. and Marc G. Weinberger (1982). ""The Effects of Humor on Attention in Magazine Advertising,"" Journal of Advertising, 11 (3), 8-14.
McGhee, P. E. (1986). ""Humor Across the Life Span: Sources of Developmental Change and Individual Differences,"" in Humor and Aging, L. Nahemow, K. A. McCluskey-Fawcett and Paul E. McGhee, eds., New York: Academic Press, 27–51.
McGhee, P. E. (1986). ""Humor Across the Life Span: Sources of Developmental Change and Individual Differences,"" in Humor and Aging, L. Nahemow, K. A. McCluskey-Fawcett and Paul E. McGhee, eds., New York: Academic Press, 27–51.
Meyers-Levi, J. & Durairaj Maheswaran (1991). ""Exploring Differences in Males' and Females' Processing Strategies,"" Journal of Consumer Research, 18 (1), 63–70.
Morgan, D. L. (1996). Focus groups as qualitative research (Vol. 16). Sage publications
Morgan, D. L., & Scannell, A. U. (1998). Planning focus groups (Vol. 2). Sage publications
Nelson, J. E., Calvin P. Duncan, & Nancy T. Frontczak (1985). ""The Distraction Hypothesis and Radio Advertising,"" Journal of Marketing, 49 (Winter), 60–71.
Nelson, J. E., Calvin P. Duncan, & Nancy T. Frontczak (1985). ""The Distraction Hypothesis and Radio Advertising,"" Journal of Marketing, 49 (Winter), 60–71.
Pham, M. T., Cohen, J. B., Pracejus, J. W., & Hughes, G. D. (2001). Affect monitoring and the primacy of feelings in judgment. Journal of Consumer Research, pp. 28, 167–188
Rapp, A. (1947). ""Toward an Eclectic and Multilateral Theory of Laughter and Humor,"" Journal of General Psychology, 36, 217-219
Schwarz, N., & Clore, G. L. (1983). Mood, misattribution, and judgments of well-being: informative and directive functions of affective states. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 45, 513–523.
Speck, P. S. (1987). ""On Humor and Humor in Advertising,"" unpublished doctoral dissertation, Texas Tech University,
Sternthal, B. & Samuel Craig (1973). ""Humor in Advertising,"" Journal of Marketing, 37 (4), 12–18
Stewart, David M, and David H, Furse (1986). Effective Television. Advertising, Lexington, MA: D, C. Heath.
Strick, M., van Baaren, R. B., Holland, R. W., & van Knippenberg, A. (2009). Humor in advertisements enhances product liking by mere association. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Applied, 15, 35–45
Vaughn, R. (1980). ""How Advertising Works: A Planning Model,"" Journal of Advertising Research, 20 (5), 27–33, (1986), ""How Advertising Works: A Planning Model Revisited,"" Journal of Advertising Research, 26 (1), 57–66,
Weinberger, M. G., & Leland Campbell (1991). ""The Use and Impact of Humor in Radio Advertising,"" Journal/ of Advertising Research, 31 (December, January), 44–52,
Weinberger, Marc G. and Charles S. Gulas (1992). ""The Impact of Humor in Advertising: A Review,"" Journal of Advertising, 21 (4), 35-59.
Zillmann, D., Williams, B. R., Bryant, J., Boynton, K. R., & Wolf, M. A. (1980). Acquisition of information from educational television as a function of differently paced humorous inserts. Journal of Education & Psychology, pp. 72, 170–180.
Zinkhan, George M. and Betsy D. Gelb (1987). ""Humor and Advertising Effectiveness Reexamined,"" Journal of Advertising, 16 (1), 66-68.
Alden, D. L., Mukherjee, A., & Hoyer, W. D. (2000). The effects of incongruity, surprise, and positive moderators on perceived Humor in television advertising. Journal of Advertising, 29(2), 1–15.
Andrade, E. B. (2005). Behavioral consequences of affect: combining evaluative and regulatory mechanisms. Journal of Consumer Research, 32, 355–362.
Axelrod Brown, S. P., & Stayman, D. M. (1992). Antecedents and consequences of attitude toward the ad: a meta-analysis. Journal of Consumer Research, pp. 19, 34–51.
Bartos, R. (1986). Qualitative research: What it is and where it came from. Journal of Advertising Research, p. 26. RC-3-RC-6.
Batra, R., & Stayman, D. M. (1990). The role of mood in advertising effectiveness. Journal of Consumer Research, pp. 17, 203–214.
Batra, R., & Keller, K. L. (2016). Integrating Marketing Communications: New Findings, New Lessons, and New Ideas. Journal of Marketing, 80(6), 122–145. doi:10.1509/jm.15.0419
Bressler, E. R., Rod A. Martin, & Sigal Balshine (2006). ""Production and Appreciation of Humor as Sexually Selected Traits,"" Evolution and Human Behavior, 27 (2), 121–30.
Brown (2015). Brown, S. (2015). Using focus groups in naturally occurring settings. Qualitative Research Journal, 15(1), 86-97.
Cantor, R. B. & D. Zillman (1973). ""Resentment Toward Victimized Protagonists and Severity of Misfortunes They Suffer as Factors in Humor Appreciation,"" Journal of Experimental Research, 6, 321–329.
Crawford, H. J., & Gregory, G. D. (2015). Humorous advertising that travels: A review and call for research. Journal of Business Research, 68(3), 569-577
Crawford, H. J., & Gregory, G. D. (2015). Humorous advertising that travels: A review and call for research. Journal of Business Research, 68(3), 569-577
De Houwer, J., Thomas, S., & Bayens, F. (2001). Association learning of likes and dislikes: a review of 25 years of research on human affective conditioning. Psychological Bulletin, 127, 853–869.
Diener, E., Smith, H., & Fujita, F. (1995). The personality structure of affect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69, 130–141.
Duncan, C. P. & James E. Nelson (1985). ""Effects of Humor in a Radio Advertising Experiment,"" Journal of Advertising, 14 (2), 33–40, 64.
Eisen, M. (2009). A meta-analysis of HumorHumor in advertising. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, pp. 37, 191–203.
Elpers, J. L. W., Mukherjee, A., & Hoyer, W. D. (2004). Humor in television advertising: A moment-to-moment analysis. Journal of Consumer Research, 31(3), 592-598.
European Parliament (2008). ""Report on How Marketing and Advertising Affect Equality between Women and Men,"" from 0199&language=EN&mode=XML (retrieved November 20, 2008).
Evans, R. B. (1988). Production and creativity in advertising. London: Pitman
Fishbein, M., & Middlestadt, S. (1995). Noncognitive effects on attitude formation and change: fact or artifact? Journal of Consumer Psychology, pp. 4, 181–202
Freud, S. (1960). Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious. New York: Norton (First German Edition) 1905
Frijda, N. H., Kuipers, P., & ter Schure, E. (1989). Relations among emotion, appraisal, and emotional action readiness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 57, 212–228.
Furnham, A. & Twiggy Mak (1999). ""Sex-Role Stereotyping in Television Commercials: A Review and Comparison of Fourteen Studies Done on Five Continents Over 25 Years,"" Sex Roles, 41 (5/6), 413–37.
Gross, J. J. (1998). The emerging field of emotion regulation: an integrative review. Review of General Psychology, pp. 2, 271–299.
Gulas, C. S., & Weinberger, M. G. (2006). Humor in advertising. A comprehensive analysis. Armonk: Sharpe.
Hampes, W. P. (2005). Correlations between humor styles and loneliness. Psychological Reports, 96, 747– 750.
Homer, P. M. (1990). The mediating role of attitude toward the ad: some additional evidence. Journal of Marketing Research, 27, 78–86.
Krishnan, H. S., & Chakravarti, D. (2003). A process analysis of the effects of humorous advertising executions on brand claims memory. Journal of Consumer Psychology, pp. 13, 230–245
Lee, Y. H., & Lim, E. A. C. (2008). What's funny and what's not: The moderating role of cultural orientation in ad humor. Journal of Advertising, 37(2), 71–84.
Mackenzie, S. B., Lutz, R. J., & Belch, G. E. (1986). The role of attitude toward the ad as a mediator of advertising effectiveness: a test of competing explanations. Journal of Marketing Research, 23, 130–143.
Madden, Thomas and Marc G, Weinberger (1982). ""The Effects of Humor on Attention in Magazine Advertising,"" Journal of Advertising, 11 (3), 8–14. ' and (1984), ""Humor in Advertising: A Practitioner View,"" Journal of Advertising Rascarcli, 24 (4), 23-29
Madden, Thomas J. and Marc G. Weinberger (1982). ""The Effects of Humor on Attention in Magazine Advertising,"" Journal of Advertising, 11 (3), 8-14.
McGhee, P. E. (1986). ""Humor Across the Life Span: Sources of Developmental Change and Individual Differences,"" in Humor and Aging, L. Nahemow, K. A. McCluskey-Fawcett and Paul E. McGhee, eds., New York: Academic Press, 27–51.
McGhee, P. E. (1986). ""Humor Across the Life Span: Sources of Developmental Change and Individual Differences,"" in Humor and Aging, L. Nahemow, K. A. McCluskey-Fawcett and Paul E. McGhee, eds., New York: Academic Press, 27–51.
Meyers-Levi, J. & Durairaj Maheswaran (1991). ""Exploring Differences in Males' and Females' Processing Strategies,"" Journal of Consumer Research, 18 (1), 63–70.
Morgan, D. L. (1996). Focus groups as qualitative research (Vol. 16). Sage publications
Morgan, D. L., & Scannell, A. U. (1998). Planning focus groups (Vol. 2). Sage publications
Nelson, J. E., Calvin P. Duncan, & Nancy T. Frontczak (1985). ""The Distraction Hypothesis and Radio Advertising,"" Journal of Marketing, 49 (Winter), 60–71.
Nelson, J. E., Calvin P. Duncan, & Nancy T. Frontczak (1985). ""The Distraction Hypothesis and Radio Advertising,"" Journal of Marketing, 49 (Winter), 60–71.
Pham, M. T., Cohen, J. B., Pracejus, J. W., & Hughes, G. D. (2001). Affect monitoring and the primacy of feelings in judgment. Journal of Consumer Research, pp. 28, 167–188
Rapp, A. (1947). ""Toward an Eclectic and Multilateral Theory of Laughter and Humor,"" Journal of General Psychology, 36, 217-219
Schwarz, N., & Clore, G. L. (1983). Mood, misattribution, and judgments of well-being: informative and directive functions of affective states. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 45, 513–523.
Speck, P. S. (1987). ""On Humor and Humor in Advertising,"" unpublished doctoral dissertation, Texas Tech University,
Sternthal, B. & Samuel Craig (1973). ""Humor in Advertising,"" Journal of Marketing, 37 (4), 12–18
Stewart, David M, and David H, Furse (1986). Effective Television. Advertising, Lexington, MA: D, C. Heath.
Strick, M., van Baaren, R. B., Holland, R. W., & van Knippenberg, A. (2009). Humor in advertisements enhances product liking by mere association. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Applied, 15, 35–45
Vaughn, R. (1980). ""How Advertising Works: A Planning Model,"" Journal of Advertising Research, 20 (5), 27–33, (1986), ""How Advertising Works: A Planning Model Revisited,"" Journal of Advertising Research, 26 (1), 57–66,
Weinberger, M. G., & Leland Campbell (1991). ""The Use and Impact of Humor in Radio Advertising,"" Journal/ of Advertising Research, 31 (December, January), 44–52,
Weinberger, Marc G. and Charles S. Gulas (1992). ""The Impact of Humor in Advertising: A Review,"" Journal of Advertising, 21 (4), 35-59.
Zillmann, D., Williams, B. R., Bryant, J., Boynton, K. R., & Wolf, M. A. (1980). Acquisition of information from educational television as a function of differently paced humorous inserts. Journal of Education & Psychology, pp. 72, 170–180.
Zinkhan, George M. and Betsy D. Gelb (1987). ""Humor and Advertising Effectiveness Reexamined,"" Journal of Advertising, 16 (1), 66-68.