The Effect of Strategy Implementation on the Performance of Small and Medium Scale Entreprises
Taku Emmanuel Enow, Joshua Sopuru
Organizations devote more time and resources to developing
strategies than to implementing, monitoring, or reviewing them. Poor
execution of a successful plan will result in failure. Numerous problems
arise during the Strategy implementation process because it is often
highly individualized. Thus, we sought to examine the effect of strategy
implementation on the performance of small and medium-sized
enterprises in Cameroon; the study hypothesized a connection between
organizational performance and strategy implementation, stressing
attention to leadership style, attention to structural adaptation, the
effect of human resource, technological requirement, and strategic
direction utilizing a descriptive statistics and correlation analysis to test
the relationship between variables, closed-ended questionnaires were
administered to 140 employees of Moghamo Travel Agency. The
findings specified a significant effect of attention to leadership style,
structural adaptation, and human resources on organizational
performance, strategic direction, and technological requirements,
which posed an insignificant influence on organizational performance.
Business Strategy; Strategy Implementation; Small & Medium Scale.
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